Monthly Adoption Assistance Payments

Monthly adoption assistance payments are designed to assist in the adoption of children with special needs, and to supplement the adoptive family’s resources. The adoption assistance payment may be readjusted periodically when warranted by a change in circumstances and at the request of the adoptive parent(s).

For example, children who currently receive a money payment are eligible to receive an increase in assistance when they turn 6 years old and 13 years old. In order to receive an increase in adoption assistance, the adoptive parent must submit a written request for it. The request from the parent should state they would like an increase in adoption assistance to the maximum rate allowable and include the name(s) of the child(ren) being considered. Increases in adoption assistance are not automatic, except when an across-the-board reduction or increase in the State’s foster care reimbursements or Difficulty of Care (DOC) rate occurs.

Adoption assistance agreement modification is prospective only and not retroactive. For all modifications, the effective date is the first day of the following month of the request or once eligibility criteria is met.

For example, if the adoptive parent sends in a request for an age increase in March, but the child does not turn 6 or 13 years of age until June, the effective date would be July 1.

Please see the table below for information about current adoption assistance rates. If a child is not currently receiving a money payment but circumstances have changed, i.e., a physical or mental challenge has manifested in the child and symptoms are documented, a parent may submit a written request for a money payment with appropriate supporting documentation to their worker for review. Please contact your assigned worker for more information. Age increases are not available to families who accepted out-of-state rates.

Age (years)Monthly Rate (range)
Birth to 5$0 – $531.60
6 to 12$0 – $612.60
13 and older$0 – $678.60
Current adoption assistance rates