Post Adoption

Online Training
Critical Ongoing Resource-family Education, or CORE Teen, is a curriculum for foster and adoptive parents who are raising children who have moderate to severe emotional and behavioral challenges.

Post Adoption Resources
There are numerous local and national resources available to you and your family while navigating the life of adoption.

Mutual Consent Voluntary Registry
The Mutual Consent Voluntary Registry is a registry established by the Oklahoma Human Services for adult adoptees and individuals separated from birth family members through termination of parental rights proceedings.

Post Adoption Support
One of the most helpful things in life is walking your journey with others who understand. Please spend some time looking through the support options available in Oklahoma.

Adoption Competent Mental Health
This page is focused on sharing the dedication of the state of Oklahoma to supporting our adoptive families and our mental health professionals in adoption competent mental health.

Monthly Adoption Assistance Payments
Monthly adoption assistance payments are designed to assist in the adoption of children with special needs, and to supplement the adoptive family’s re-sources.

Respite Services
The Respite Voucher Program provides financial assistance to families who have adopted a child who was once in the custody of OKDHS or a federally recognized tribe.

Oklahoma Adoption Competency Network
The Oklahoma Adoption Competency Network (OACN) is a statewide effort to come together – adoptive parents, adoptees, biological families, and adoption professionals – to learn, discuss, and support each other in doing our best to support our children and families from adoption in Oklahoma.