Enhanced Foster Care
Enhanced Foster Care (EFC) is a service category within the Continuum of Care (CoC) developed to respond to the complex behavioral, medical, developmental, and mental health needs of children in custody. EFC provides individualized services and supports based on a child’s specific needs along with coordination/collaboration of services between providers.
EFC is available in two ways
- EFC is used to stabilize placement for a child in their current or identified family-based setting.
- EFC is used to support children who need additional services to be successful in family-based settings, such as those transitioning from higher levels of care with no identified family-based placement.
Standard services and supports
- 24 Hour Crisis Intervention
- Monthly In-Home Quality Worker Visits
- Weekly In-Home Individual Therapy for the child
- In-Home Family Therapy
- Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Assessment (CANS)
- Evidence-Based Treatment Models
- Supplemental Foster Care Rate (Level 5 DOC)
Additional Services and Supports
- As Indicated in Service Plan
- Systems of Care/Wrap Around Treatment
- Specialized Services (DDS, Medical, Occupational, etc.)
All services outlined as “In-home” are currently being provided through virtual methods due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The ongoing use of virtual methods will be evaluated in the future.