Information Sharing Guide
Information DHS can share with foster families
Abuse and neglect allegations
Reasons children are in custody; specifics help foster parents understand child behavior
Social history of child
Child’s medical records
- Shot records
- Medical treatment
- HIV status
- Medication needs,
- Communicable diseases,
- Therapy reports and needs
- Test results
Child’s psychological history
Treatment needs and plans, counselor updates
Education records
- Individualized Education
Program (IEP) - Progress reports
- Transcripts
- Report cards
- Education screenings/testings
- Oklahoma’s Promise (college tuition scholarship)
Court-related documents
- Individualized Service Plan (ISP)
- Progress reports
- Hearing dates
- Safety plans
- Court minutes
Court service provider information
- Child’s Attorney
- Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)
- Guardian Ad Litem (GAL)
Child service provider information
- Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS)
- SoonerStart
- delinquent juvenile information
- Oklahoma Successful Adulthood Program (OKSA)
- Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC), etc.
Children’s information forms
All About Me form, Lifebook, etc.
Information DHS cannot share without seeking guidance through appropriate chain of command
- Parent mental health assessment or diagnosis
- Parent substance abuse assessment
- Adoption records
- DHS does not share CASA reports
The following information may need to be shared on an as-needed basis to keep children and foster parents safe or to ensure the child’s needs are best met. Consult with your supervisor prior to sharing information such as:
- Parents’ criminal history (beyond what is public record)
- Parents’ mental health status/historical information
- Parents’ medical conditions
- DHS assessment tools
Information that can never be shared:
- Child abuse and neglect reporting party information
- HIV status of adults
- District attorney report (14A) regarding investigation
This tool is provided as a guide. Staff should use critical thinking skills in addition to referencing DHS policy and state statutes. A strict list cannot be provided due to each child’s unique needs. All information sharing should be in compliance with Oklahoma State Statute: Title 10A, Article 1, Chapter 6, Section 103. It is also important to note the statute guiding information sharing requires information be disclosed, but does not compel DHS to provide copies of some information mentioned above. If you are unsure whether or not copies should be provided, please check with your supervisor. Foster parents should be given the information necessary to provide the most appropriate care for children, while still protecting a child’s right to privacy as well as the parent’s, when possible.
DHS Pub. No. 17-12 Issued 3/2018 This publication is authorized by Oklahoma Department of Human Services Director Ed Lake and printed by DHS in accordance with state and federal regulations at a cost of $27.40 for 50 copies. Copies have been deposited with the Publications Clearinghouse of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. DHS offices may request copies on a 23PU114E order form via the print shop.
Members of the public may obtain copies by downloading a copy at OKDHS Library.