Community Nutrition Program
The mission of Community Nutrition Education Programs (CNEP) is to educate and empower Oklahomans to improve nutrition and physical activity behaviors. CNEP’s vision is to improve the health of Oklahomans.
Trained nutrition education assistants (NEAs) and OSU Extension Educators deliver research-based, hands-on learning experiences for youth and adults about diet quality, food safety, physical activity, food security and food resource management.
Our Fresh Start Program has 9 core lessons and 12 additional lessons. Each lesson lasts one hour.
The 9 Core lessons cover subjects such as: eating healthy, improving physical activity, improving food safety practices, stretching their food dollars, planning meals and cooking more at home, and reading the food labels.
These lessons may count towards your annual in-service training. Please be sure to check with your resource worker and supervisor as trainings are subject to worker/supervisor approval.
Please visit OSU Extension – Community Nutrition Education Programs (CNEP) for more information