Types of Foster Care
Oklahoma Human Services and private foster care agencies work together to recruit and retain safe, loving homes for children.

Traditional Foster Care
Traditional Foster Care provides 24-hour-a-day substitute temporary care and supportive services in a home environment for children in DHS custody, from birth to 18 years of age.

Specialized Foster Care
Specialized Foster Care (SFC) serves children and adults aged three years and older who have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disabilities and qualify for Developmental Disabilities Services.

Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC)
The Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) program provides treatment for children aged 4-18 who have unique life experiences that require enhanced patience, structure and an understanding of each child’s individual needs. Children in this level of care require more specialized therapeutic services to enhance their well-being.

Intensive Treatment Family Care
Intensive Treatment Family Care (ITFC) provides treatment for children aged 6-18 who have experienced multiple placements in various settings, but can be successfully served in a family setting. This child has experienced trauma and may have behavioral, medical, developmental and/or intellectual challenges.

Agency Companion Services
Agency Companion Services (ACS) provides a residential option allowing a child (aged three years and older) or an adult who has a primary diagnosis of intellectual disabilities and qualifies for Developmental Disabilities Services to share a home with a companion who provides support services based upon the recommendations of the individual’s team.
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