Enhanced Foster Care (EFC) is a program that was developed to provide therapeutic services to children with higher therapeutic needs.
The children who are approved for EFC services remain in their kinship or traditional foster home and receive supportive services while maintaining in that placement.
The family and child receive services such as individual and family therapy as well as additional services from community mental health service or private providers.
Children in EFC They also receive in-home worker visits, evidence-based treatment models, Individualized Treatment Plans, an EFC Service and Support Plan, CANS (Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths) Assessment, Supplemental Foster Care Rate, and 24 hour Crisis Intervention with a Crisis Plan.
The child’s permanency worker or the family’s foster care worker will submit a request to the EFC program staff for review for approval of EFC services.
Some of the things EFC staff look at are elevated Child Behavioral Health Screeners, number of placement moves, any mental health diagnoses, and behaviors associated with those diagnoses.
One episode of EFC lasts six months. EFC is reviewed to see if it is needed beyond six months. If it is needed longer, it can be renewed for another six months.
EFC can end at any time due to several reasons. Among those reasons are:
- The family decides to no longer participate in EFC services
- The child moves placements
- The child completes services and no longer needs EFC
- Non-compliance by the foster family.
A Supplemental Foster Care Rate is an additional payment received for the care of the child placed in your home.
If approved for EFC, you will receive this Supplemental Foster Care Rate pay of $400 added to your monthly maintenance payment. This supplemental foster care rate will begin the month EFC begins and continues until EFC ends.
Enhanced Foster Care for children is approved by Oklahoma Human Services staff. Therapeutic Foster Care for children is approved by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority.
Children in EFC remain in their current kinship or traditional foster home and receive services there. In Therapeutic Foster Care, children move into those homes if approved for that level of care.
Foster parents are required to complete 15 hours of Pressley Ridge Training that is offered virtually. They are also required to have their EFC child attend individual therapy weekly and family therapy at least once per month.
Foster parents are required to engage in the child’s treatment and participate in Treatment Team Meetings.
Yes, you can use the child’s current therapist or choose a therapist who is willing to participate and collaborate as a member of the child’s Enhanced Foster Care team.
These services can consist of a team of professionals such as a family support provider, a behavioral health aide, a care coordinator, or a recovery support specialist.
During the Wraparound process, a team of people who are relevant to the life of the child or youth collaboratively develop an individualized plan of care, implement this plan, monitor the efficacy of the plan, and work towards success over time.
Your foster care worker or child’s worker should be able to answer questions regarding Enhanced Foster Care. You can also email questions to EnhancedFosterCare@okdhs.org.