Enhanced Foster Care Team Roles
Each member of the EFC team champions implementation of the EFC program with the goal of coordinating services and supports for children and youth with complex needs and the families caring for them. EFC staff advocate for improved access to quality, community-based mental and behavioral health services and other supports for foster children and youth. A primary focus of the team is to build and sustain positive relationships with private and contracted mental health providers, CW staff and others through frequent, effective communication via email, telephone, and virtual and in-person meetings. EFC staff address barriers to ongoing service availability or delivery, working in collaboration with the Department of Mental Health, Oklahoma Health Care Authority and service providers.
The EFC team promotes trauma-competent information, activities, services and supports for caregivers to strengthen their ability to parent therapeutically and support a child’s healing. EFC staff promote hope and display a positive attitude when interacting with others. Each EFC staff’s behaviors and actions support and sustain a positive, trauma-competent workplace culture.
Programs Administrator
This leadership position oversees the statewide implementation and administration of the EFC program. This includes planning, directing and coordinating the delivery of EFC services and supports. The Programs Administrator provides oversight of the Field Manager and Quality Assurance Programs Field Representatives (PFRs).
This position communicates with division and agency leadership, and advocates for program needs. external partners regarding barriers & improvements.
The Programs Administrator analyzes data, staff reports, program activities and other information to evaluate program effectiveness and quality of service.
Field Manager
This leadership position manages and directs EFC staff in the coordination and delivery of EFC functions. This position provides oversight of CWS IVs (supervisors) and Regional PFRs. The Field Manager supports the EFC team and CW field staff through case staffing, addressing questions, problem-solving and resolving barriers to ensure timely and efficient services and supports are provided to children and their families. The Field Managers supports and assists in evaluation of program needs, effectiveness and quality of service.

Quality Assurance
Programs Field Representative
This leadership position participates in the development and implementation of a continuous quality improvement process for EFC services and supports. This position evaluates the quality of services, casework and child outcomes through case reviews and feedback from internal and external partners.
Regional Programs Field Representative
This leadership position serves as a regional program liaison and provides EFC training and support to CW staff, service providers, resource families and community partners. Duties include managing the approval, denial and reassessment of EFC services and Difficulty of Care. This position facilitates mental health consultations with private service providers for timely service initiation. The Regional PFRs conduct monthly meetings with community-based service providers and ODMHSAS to build positive relationships address the needs of children in EFC services.
Child Welfare Specialist V
This leadership position is responsible for the day-to-day supervision and oversight of a unit of regional field coordinators assigned to children in the EFC program. The CWS V trains new staff and assures timeliness, understanding and efficiency of their team’s work. The CWS V participates in case staffing to support the coordinators and ensures continued growth and development of each coordinator.

Child Welfare Specialist I-III
This position serves as a regional field coordinator and maintains a caseload of children served through EFC. The CWS I-III completes follow-up with the child’s treatment team 2 weeks after consultation to ensure services and supports with external providers were initiated. They also coordinate initial and ongoing treatment team meetings, including scheduling, preparation, facilitation and documentation of meetings. The CWS I-III ensures required documents are received timely & reviewed for content. The CWS I-III communicates with resource parents, CW staff, service providers and other external partners to problem-solve and support consistent service delivery and therapeutic parenting.
Administrative Technician III
This position provides administrative support to the EFC team and manages the EFC email inbox daily. The ATIll uploads all documents to OnBase & completes KIDS contacts timely and accurately.
Child Welfare Specialist IV
This position serves as a regional field coordinator and maintains a 50% caseload of EFC children, with special attention to complex or difficult cases. The CWS IV is a team leader and provides mentoring, support and training to a unit of CWS IV regional field coordinators for skill-building and growth. They may also serve as a backup supervisor or provide emergency meeting coverage for team members.
The CWS IV completes follow-up with the child’s treatment team 2 weeks after consultation to ensure services and supports with external providers were initiated. They also coordinate initial and ongoing treatment team meetings, including scheduling, preparation, facilitation and documentation of meetings. The CWS IV ensures required documents are received timely & reviewed for content. The CWS IV communicates with resource parents, CW staff, service providers and other external partners to problem-solve and support consistent service delivery and therapeutic parenting.

If you have questions or need more information, please email Enhancedfostercare@odhs.org.