Review EFC eligibility thoroughly to ensure that you can refer children who meet criteria as soon as appropriate to prevent any placement instability or potential disruptions.
Connect with Regional EFC Staff via email or during office hours if you have questions about eligibility for a child!
Complete referrals with thorough and accurate information to ensure the most appropriate services can be provided for the child and family.
If Referral is made by the PP Team:
Speak with the resource family about their willingness to participate in EFC.
If the family has questions you’re unable to answer reach out to the EFC team. We are happy to answer questions and explain EFC directly to the family.
Respond timely to the request for the Resource Recommendation from PFR.
After EFC Approval:
Communicate in advance if you cannot attend meetings.
Attend the initial consultation and be prepared to discuss key aspects of the child’s safety, permanency, and well-being. These can include:
Any current behavioral concerns being displayed in the home.
Any services or treatment already in place for the family.
The supervisor should be prepared to attend meetings and share information, especially if the specialist is new or unavailable.
The resource specialist collaborates with the family for enrollment and completion of the EFC-specific Pressley Ridge Treatment Parent Training units.
Ongoing Expectations:
Attend all Treatment Team Meetings and be prepared to discuss current progress, needs of the resource family updates regarding required training.
Maintain consistent contact with EFC staff, notifying the team of any barriers, issues, regressions, placement instability or any planned or unplanned placement changes as soon as possible.
Complete monthly in home, quality contacts with the resource family. Discuss EFC services at each visit to identify any barriers, progress, or concerns and document those discussions in your monthly contact in KIDS. The specialist is responsible for facilitating a discussion about the child’s current behaviors, services provided, treatment progress, and therapeutic parenting strategies utilized to meet the child’s needs.