Youth Villages

Youth Villages provides help for children and young people across the United States who face a wide range of emotional, mental and behavioral problems. We work to find solutions using proven treatment models that strengthen the child’s family and support systems and dramatically improve their long-term success. Youth Villages directly helps tens of thousands of young people and their families every year and increases our impact through partnerships and advocacy.
Youth Villages
The Intercept program
The Intercept program serves families with children (0-18 years old) that are in the process of reunification, prevention or maintaining placement in a foster home, adoptive home or guardianship. Intercept is a highly intensive service that includes a minimum of three in home family therapy sessions per week, and intensive case management. Family Intervention Specialists design multi-level interventions that target the presenting behaviors in the context of the systems in which the client resides including the individual, family, peer group, school, and community systems. The Intercept program travels about 45 minutes outside of our office in midtown Tulsa and OKC office locations and offers 24 hour on call support and crisis management that is available to the families we serve.